Amenorrhea occurs when you do not have your monthly menstrual period. The absence of menstrual bleeding is referred to as amenorrhea.
It is usual to not have a period when pregnant or after menopause. However, if you skip periods at other times, it might be a sign of an underlying medical problem.
Amenorrhea is classified into two categories. Those who haven't started menstruating by the age of 16 may have primary amenorrhea. The phrase also refers to reproductive system disorders that inhibit menstrual menstruation.
Secondary amenorrhea occurs when you miss your monthly period for three months in a row after having regular cycles for the preceding nine months. This is the most frequent kind of amenorrhea.
Amenorrhea Types
Amenorrhea is classified into two types:
Primary Amenorrhea This problem happens when a woman's periods do not begin during adolescence, i.e., if the periods do not begin by the age of 16 years, medical attention should be needed.
SecondaryAmenorrhea This syndrome happens when a woman gets periods for a while, but then they stop. The condition is normal during pregnancy and nursing, but when it happens without these two circumstances, it is known as secondary amenorrhea. A woman with secondary amenorrhea used to have regular periods but then does not have any for 3 months or more, or used to have irregular periods but then does not have any for 6 months or more.
Amenorrhea causes
The cause of amenorrhea varies depending on the kind of amenorrhea. Primary amenorrhea occurs in females under the age of 16 who have not had their first period. Secondary amenorrhea occurs in women who have completed puberty and had a regular cycle but have not had a period in more than three months.
Primary amenorrhea is caused by two basic factors
Genetic abnormalities abnormalities such as Turner syndrome, a condition where a girl is born without an X chromosome, and androgen insensitivity syndrome, a condition where a girl has high levels of testosterone
Anomalies of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland these conditions may cause hormonal imbalances, which might cause girls' menstruation to be delayed.
Secondary amenorrhea may be caused by a variety of factors, including:
Amenorrhea Risk Factors
There are many risk factors that might raise your chances of experiencing amenorrhea, including:
Amenorrhea Symptoms
The major symptom of amenorrhea is missing a period for three or more consecutive months.
Amenorrhea may also cause the following symptoms:
Amenorrhea diagnosis
Before doing any more tests, your doctor will prescribe a pregnancy test to rule out the possibility that you are pregnant. If the pregnancy test comes back negative, your doctor will order a battery of blood tests to assess your levels of testosterone, estrogen, and hormones.
Your doctor may also prescribe the following tests:
Hormone challenge examination
Your doctor will prescribe hormone therapy until menstruation occurs. This test can determine the level of estrogen in your body. If your estrogen levels are really low, this might explain your inability to have regular periods.
Imaging diagnostics
In certain situations, your doctor may utilize diagnostic imaging procedures to get comprehensive pictures of your inside organs, such as an MRI, CT scan, or ultrasound. Any cysts or other growths on or in your reproductive organs that may be impending menstruation will be readily seen in the imaging procedures.
A hysteroscopy may be ordered by your doctor to get a close-up image of the interior of the uterus in order to examine for cysts and other abnormalities. A lit camera is placed into the uterus through the vagina during a hysteroscopy.
Primary amenorrhea
Depending on the person's age and the results of the ovarian function test, treatment for primary amenorrhea may begin with cautious waiting. Periods may begin later if there is a family history of late menstruation.
Surgery may be required if there are genetic or physical issues with the reproductive organs. This, however, does not ensure that regular menstrual periods will occur.
Secondary amenorrhea
This will be determined by the underlying reason.