Sweating is a bodily process to cool it down when the temperature rises. The sweat glands are activated when there is an increase in the outside temperature and it is also affected due to emotional causes, that can trigger your hormonal balance. Sweat or perspiration commonly occurs in the palms, armpits, face, and soles of your feet. It is important to understand that sweating is a necessary function in your body as sweating less may cause overheating in the body. It becomes a crucial condition when you sweat more than usual, which can lead to psychological damage in the longer run.


Your body reacts to all the emotions you undergo. Sweating due to anger, embarrassment, fear, and anxiety causes a rush of adrenaline and cortisol secretion in your body. This type of sweat has a different odor than regular sweating due to the temperature change. Sweating in excess due to anxiety leads to Hyperhidrosis and it is a condition that needs to be addressed in the earlier stages. It causes social anxiety and makes one face a lot of emotional troubles, which then cause physical problems in return. It is crucial to understand the root cause of your anxiety and stress and work on treating the mental instability to avoid Hyperhidrosis to get worse over time. Meditation, yoga, or any other form of relaxation that you prefer must be practiced regularly, and in many cases, therapy works best to find the right solutions.


Understandably, you love your peppers and spicy foods. But, it is important to be aware of your physical state on higher levels to enjoy your spicy meal. Studies show that eating certain foods can cause excessive perspiration in your body and it needs to be fixed. Spicy foods, especially peppers, have a chemical in them called capsaicin that triggers your body to rise in temperature, which then causes sweating. Even foods that have high sugar levels in them that causes excessive sweating, as there is too much change in the insulin levels of your body. People with diabetes need to be aware of this condition and work on their food habits accordingly.

Foods like Garlic and onion do not lead to excessive sweating, but it affects the smell of your sweat's odor which needs to be addressed. Excessive sweating due to food is called Gustatory sweating, which triggers hormonal levels and causes extreme discomfort. This situation worsens over time, and it may cause you to sweat at the mere idea of having food. This is a crucial condition, and it is important to track your diet, keep your food-eating habits in moderation and if worsens, get medical help to treat the issue.


Though hyperhidrosis is a medical condition, different medical reasons cause this condition to be considered that require your immediate attention. Apart from anxiety and diabetes, Excessive sweating is also caused due to Obesity, hyperthyroidism, Gout, respiratory failure, and heart diseases. It is also a major symptom during pregnancy and menopause in a woman's life. In other cases, it is due to substance abuse and alcohol abuse. If hyperhidrosis is not addressed and treated soon, it leads to different conditions like nail, skin, and bacterial infections, and heat rashes which can lead to psychological imbalances on you.


There are multiple physical solutions to treat excessive sweating such as frequent bathing, keeping your private parts clean and hygienic, wearing washed and fresh clothes, keeping your hair devoid of dirt and sweat, and wearing antiperspirants and perfumes. It is also important to keep your footwear neat, and it is recommended to wear breathable and loose clothes. But, though the physical solutions give temporary relief from the problem, the right diagnosis at the right time is necessary to halt it from happening overall. It is suggested to Visit an expert and discuss all the symptoms of your condition in the initial stages and treat it accordingly at the right time.