Circumcision - overview, causes, symptoms, risk, and treatment

Circumcision is a surgical procedure in which the excess foreskin from the head of the penis is removed. It is used to treat and prevent a variety of medical problems including phimosis, paraphimosis, balanitis, and balanoposthitis.


  • Scar tissue
  • Pull and stretch
  • Aging
  • Medical conditions
  • Diabetes
  • Extra Foreskin
  • STD
  • Recurrent UTI


Circumcision may cause discomfort or pain, but your doctor can discuss safe and effective pain treatment options with you ahead of time. While it is uncommon, the penis can become infected. Infection symptoms include persistent redness or swelling. A fever may accompany these symptoms.


During the diagnosis, the urologist will ask a few questions about the patient's medical history as well as any prior infections or injuries to the penis. The urologist additionally inquires whether the patient's sexual life has been impacted by foreskin-related issues such as phimosis, paraphimosis, balanitis, and so on. The urologist then does a thorough physical examination of the foreskin and penis. To rule out the presence of urinary tract infections, the urologist may additionally order urine tests or a swab from the foreskin. Phimosis, a condition affecting the foreskin, is thought to be a risk factor for Type 2 Diabetes. As a result, adults with phimosis may be subjected to blood or urine testing.

Treatment Procedure

Laser circumcision is considered as the most promising and lasting treatment for phimosis and other foreskin-related disorders. The urologist removes the excess foreskin from the head of the penis during laser circumcision. It is a painless and bloodless surgical technique with nearly no risk of infection or problems during or after the procedure. It also does not leave wounds or scars. The entire treatment takes between 10 and 20 minutes to complete. Laser circumcision is a simple and painless procedure that can be performed on both adults and infants. Recovery from laser circumcision is similarly swift and painless. Because laser circumcision is a daycare operation, the patient can go home the same day after a few hours of rest at the hospital.

advanced laser treatment at Be Well

Be well hospital offers the most sophisticated laser therapy for phimosis and other foreskin-related issues. Be well hospital is completely equipped with cutting-edge medical technology. We use laser circumcision to treat phimosis. The excess foreskin from the head of the penis is surgically removed during this treatment. This process is completely painless, bloodless, precise, safe, and effective. Laser circumcision both prevents and treats a variety of penile problems involving the foreskin. It is regarded as the most effective and long-term treatment for phimosis, paraphimosis, and balanitis.

What kind of post-surgery/procedure care is provided to patients?

  • Use antibiotics and pain relievers as directed by your doctor.
  • Visit the doctor on a regular basis until the incisions have healed completely.
  • In situations of circumcision performed on newborns or newborn males, all necessary care instructions must be followed as directed by the doctor.

Top advantages of laser circumcision

  • Phimosis is permanently cured.
  • Reduces the risk of penile cancer
  • Balanitis and balanoposthitis are prevented.
  • Reduces the chances of urinary tract infections (UTIs)
  • Reduces the risk of sexually transmitted disease (STDs)